Lakes and Boating Information
Village Ordinance 22-02-02
Village of Third Lake – Boating Safety Guidelines
Illinois Boat Safety Course –
Illinois Boating Laws –

Boat Stickers and Keys
Every watercraft must have both a state registration sticker and a Village sticker. In order to purchase a Village sticker, you must have a valid state registration on file with the Village. If you purchase a new boat, a processed application for state registration will be accepted for the current year. If you used an application or renewal form last year, a copy of your actual state registration is required for this year. The Village has past years’ registrations on file. If you are unsure of your status, please call the Village Hall. Boat stickers will not be issued without one of these documents. If you need to register your boat or renew your registration, please visit the Illinois Department of Natural Resources website.
Boat stickers and Village boat launch keys may be purchased at the Village Hall or through the mail.
To order by mail, please send a completed form and send a check payable to Village of Third Lake for the appropriate amount or contact Village Hall with a credit card (a small convenience fee is added for all credit card purchases), a copy of your state registration (if required), and a list of your watercraft by type and state registration number.
Fees are as follows:
Sailboat $10.00
Craft with Electric Motors $15.00
Gas Motorized Craft:
Less than 25 horsepower $35.00
Over 25 horsepower $45.00
Village Boat Launch Gate Key $10.00 (one key per household)
Replacement Village Boat Launch Gate Key $50.00
Temporary Permit $55.00
Transfer fee for Temporary Permit $10.00
Mariner’s Cove Boat Launch (contact the Homeowner’s Association)