Help Us Personalize the New Village Hall Paver Patio!

Third Lake Neighbors,

Help us personalize the new paver patio at the Village Hall. If you haven’t visited us in the past few years, there have been a lot of improvements. We are putting on some final touches and want to involve the Third Lake community. We are selling commemorative pavers to individualize our front entrance. Our tight knit community has so much history, and what better way to encapsulate that than with an engraved paver. This is not a fundraiser, the price associated is only to cover the cost of engraving. Once the pavers are engraved, they will be installed in the patio by the front entrance to be cherished for generations. You can honor a lost loved one, highlight your family name, or mention a favorite pet. The information on how to order is attached below. There are a limited number of pavers that can be engraved, so get your order in soon!  All orders must be in by August 15th, 2024. Feel free to reach out with any questions to

Paver Order Form